
Our mission to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus includes even the littlest ones. 

Here you'll find info about Mega Sports Camp, parent resources, and family devotions to help you have meaningful faith conversations with your kids or grandkids, and our school year programs: CPKids Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights.

Connect with us to answer any questions you may have:

emailkids@cphutch.church  Alternate Phone  320-587-2668

cpkids nursery

INFANT TO PREK / SUNDAYS 9 AM / Follow the sign to the West Hallway

Psalm 127:3 states “Children are a gift from God.” Your little ones are important to God and our church family. Our nursery is a safe and welcoming environment where your child can be introduced to the faith and the character of Jesus through storytelling, art, and play.

The curriculum and content for this age are focused on learning these vital truths:

● I can talk and sing to God anywhere and anytime.

● God made me.

● Jesus is my friend.

● Jesus loves me and sacrificially saved me.

JULY 24 -28 / 6:15 - 8:15 PM

mega sports camp

  • Sports

    & More

    CrossPoint's summer camp for kids focuses on teaching children the basic skills of a sport and learning biblical truths that will stick with them for a lifetime. MEGA Sports Camp is for children ages 3 1/2 years through completed fifth grade. 

    Registration opens on June 19, 2023

  • Volunteer

    It takes over 150 volunteers to make Mega Sports Camp a success. Volunteering is a great way to support our community by blessing almost 300 kids in our area with a week of sports instructions and fun! No experience is needed! 

    Save the Date - Volunteer Training, July 17 / 6:30 pm


CPKids Wednesday nights

K-5th GRADE / WEDNESDAYS 6:30 - 8:00 PM / MARCH 15 - MAY 24

The CPKids midweek program is a great place for kids to grow in their relationship with Jesus. They will learn through an engaging large group time of worship and creative Bible stories focusing on helping kids not only learn the Bible but to grow in their understanding of Biblical truths. They will then spend time in small groups to build friendships and reinforce the gospel ideas from the lesson through games and outreach opportunities.

The curriculum and content for this age are focused on helping kids grow their faith through four areas:

● Spending time with others (Mark 2)

● Knowing and using your gifts (Acts 4)

● Spending time with God (Luke 10)

● Sharing your story and leading others to a relationship with God (John 13)


CPKids Sunday Mornings


A fun time to learn about God and His amazing love for us! Our weekend kids ministry is designed to bring the Bible to life through large group interactive stories, worship, and games. After large group time kids have a chance to expand their learning with interactive activities to review the biblical content they’ve learned that morning. Activities are tailored to each child’s age group.

The curriculum and content for this age are focused on learning the faith through the following Vital Truths:

● God has an unending love for me.

● God desires a relationship with me.

● God is real and I can trust Him.

● God sent His son Jesus to take away my sins and to die for my eternal life.



The Break Space is a place dedicated to kids and young families conveniently located in the South Lobby. Sometimes kids just need a break during church service. Parents can sit in the break space with their kids and watch the service while kids play with toys that will give them the sensory outlet or input they need. 

Parents are expected to supervise their children and pick up after them while in the Break Space.

Parent Resources

  • Parent Cue App: This free app gives parents weekly cues that are aligned with the content in the video presentations.

  • Learn about what is happening in the CPKids Ministries from what the month's focus is on to event news, and serving opportunities.

  • While we believe CPKids Sunday Morning is a great way for kids to grow in their relationship with God, it is also important to attend "big church" as a family.

  • Joining this group will help you stay connected and in the know about happenings in the CPKids Ministry at CrossPoint.

  • The role of “parent” is a big one. We have put together a list of some of our favorite books to help you navigate some of the tough topics with your kids.

  • Interested in Child Dedication or maybe you would like to learn more about what it is. Click Learn more to read about what it is and/or to sign up for a Child Dedication prep meeting.

CPKIDS devotionals

  • K-3rd grade

    Parent Cue Cards: gives easy things to say and do each week that will reinforce what kids learn in CPKids Sunday Mornings.

  • 4th-5th grade

    Parent Cue Cards: gives easy things to say and do each week that will reinforce what kids learn in CPKids Sunday Mornings.