family connect

CrossPoint Family Connect exists to give families a way to connect with others in the same stages of life, to be encouraged each other and to grow in relationship with Jesus.  Text "FAM" to 320-244-2337 to stay up to date with event news.

  • Movie Matinee

    Free Family Movie / March 23 / 1:00 - 3:00 pm

    Enjoy a free family movie on the big screen at CrossPoint. Movie theater treats will be available. Movie is Cars 3

  • Game Night

    Family Game Night / April 11 / 6:00 - 8:00 pm

    Family fun game night. Bring your favorite board game and a snack to share.

  • Mother's Day

    Mother's Day Brunch  / May 10 / 10:00 am

    Honor mom this Mother's Day by taking her to a special Mother's Day Brunch at CrossPoint.

    $5 per person / Kids 10 and under eat free