Sunday Guest services

Help create a welcoming environment with big-hearted generosity that makes CrossPoint feel like home.

  • greeter

    Take the guess work out of the Sunday Gatherings and special events by welcoming people to CrossPoint, identifying a lost look that needs assistance and a helping hand.

  • usher

    Take the guess work out of the Sunday Gatherings and special events by guiding people to their seats, handing out programs and assisting where needed.

  • information desk

    Be the one in the know-share the various fliers and sign up info available at the desk. Help browse on the tablets and wow people with your helpfulness.

  • Parking Team

    Roll out the welcome mat each Sunday morning by directing traffic and protecting pedestrians in the crosswalk.

  • coffee team

    Prepare and serve coffee and tea on Sundays.  You'll put a smile on people's faces with a fresh cup of free coffee in the morning.

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