FEBRUARY 25, 2024

OPEN HOUSE 3:00 - 5:00 PM


succession plan update

  • from the ELDER CHAIRMAN, 

    Brett Haugen

    I am happy to update you all on the progress of the succession plan. As you may know, if you have been following the updates, the Pastoral Search Team recommended Pastor Matt Troyer for the role of Senior Pastor after an extensive vetting process. The next step was to present the recommendation to CrossPoint members for a vote to affirm or deny the recommendation.

    The vote was conducted at the business meeting last Sunday, December 10, and I am happy to announce that this vote received a very strong majority to extend this call, and Pastor Matt has accepted!

    The Elder Board and Senior Pastor Search team are very grateful for your prayers over the last few months as we have worked through this process. God has been faithful, and we are excited about what He has in store for us in the future!

    Here's what will be happening in the coming months to complete the leadership transition from Pastor Rick to Pastor Matt:

    Sunday, January 28: The annual meeting for CrossPoint church will mark the handover from Pastor Rick to Pastor Matt. Beginning that week, Pastor Matt will fully assume the role of Senior Pastor. Pastor Rick will continue to be on staff at CrossPoint during February.

    Sunday, February 25: Celebration of Ministry and farewell for Pastor Rick and Marcy.

    Mid-March: Installation service for Pastor Matt (Date TBD)

    The Elder Board would also like to thank the members of the Senior Pastor Search Team (scroll down for team members) for their time and dedication to this process.


    Brett Haugen

    Elder Board Chairman



Petition God. Please pray for God's blessing through this season. Pray for discernment, guidance and clarity as God leads us into a new season of leadership for our church. Pray for the hearts of the decision-makers and congregation so that they might welcome and provide encouragement to our next leader. Finally, pray for Rick and Marcy as they step into a well-earned new phase of life.


1 John 5:14-15 says "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him." God is pleased with us when we seek Him. So, as we pray for Rick, our next leader, and God's plans for the future of CrossPoint Church, watch and listen for how God responds. Then, ask God to show you how He wants you to be a part of that future.

Take Part.

Faith inspires action. As a result of actions taken by faith, over the history of this church body, thousands have come to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. As we move forward, let's seek to likewise act on our faith in God – trusting that He will continue to bring a growing gathering of people hungry for the knowledge of God.


    September 9, 2023

    “The Lord Jesus is truly working in our church. Let me share what the Lord has been doing in our leadership.

    Last winter, God began to stir in my heart, and he grew in me a conviction that God is leading CrossPoint to a new chapter in its ministry. I prayed and sought wisdom. I talked with Marcy and also with several Converge pastors. Through that process, I came to see, first, that I would not be able much longer to sustain the pace needed for my role as senior pastor. And second, I realized that it would be best for the church to have a younger and capable person in the senior pastor role. I believe that this would allow the church to step into a fresh season of ministry and I believe the best is yet to come.

    At the same time, God put it into the heart of Pastor Matt Troyer that it was time to seek a senior pastor role. In March, Matt shared with me that God had placed a sense of calling on him to be a senior pastor. As we talked and prayed over the next few weeks, we realized that God may very well be moving toward a succession in leadership at CrossPoint. It’s one of those moments in life where you sense God’s guidance in a real way.

    Sixteen years ago, almost to the day, I came to CrossPoint – then, it was called “Shalom” – with a real conviction that God had called me to be the senior pastor. And it’s with the same sense of conviction that I think that God is leading me on. But I also have another important conviction – as do the Elders – that the best process forward is something called “leadership succession”.

    In leadership succession, the new leader phases into the senior pastor role while the outgoing senior pastor helps to create a positive transition. That is also on my heart. As I said, I am seeking what is best for the church.

    I’ll let our Chairman, Brett, explain the process, but, for now, I want you to know that I will be around into February, which is our estimate for the process of leadership succession to be completed. So, I remain the senior pastor. Additionally, I will also keep confidential everything that any of you have shared with me in counseling.

    And, as I phase toward retirement, I plan to move on to another ministry position, as the Lord leads, that will allow me to use my gifts to serve the Lord.

    I love this church family and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead CrossPoint through a healthy leadership succession process - one we can celebrate and pray for together.”

    - Pastor Rick

the process of the plan

Below are the steps taken as we worked through the Succession Plan.

The Nominating Committee

The nominating Committee is to present Senior Pastor Search Team candidates to the membership for a vote on Sunday, October 1.

The Search Team Committee

The Senior Pastor Search Team selects a candidate to present to the members for a vote.

Constitutionally required


Church members vote on the candidate presented by the Senior Pastor Search Team.

senior pastor search team

The Search Team has started meeting as of October 15, 2023.

They appreciate your prayers, and your questions and feedback are encouraged. 

Below are the members that make up the search team that will present candidates to the membership for a vote.