a church at our best in 2023

four ways

Be connected. When we connect with Jesus, our love for him grows our love for our spouses, families, church, and communities (Matthew 28:18-20).

Experience peace. Do you feel overwhelmed and overworked? God invites us to rest in him and overcome worry and stress and experience the peace that passes understanding; becoming whole again. Let’s choose to experience peace (Philippians 4:6-7).

Share Jesus. Peter calls us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have.” Get equipped and be prepared to share Jesus wherever the Spirit leads (1 Peter 3:15).

Team up. Jesus not only teaches us that the time is near, but he calls us to build his church. When each part does its work, we build up the church and that helps us prepare more people to be ready to meet Jesus (Ephesians 4:16).

A CHURCH at our best


We have identified some "key Wins" that will help us be a church at our B.E.S.T.  They include continuing to meet together in our Gatherings in which we continually and increasingly encounter God, having a greater Growth Group impact through servant evangelism, mentoring more leaders, sharing Jesus through spiritually significant conversations, and growing in stewardship.

Below are just a few ways you can take part individually so that we can be a church At Our Best. 

500 spiritual conversations

The goal for the CrossPoint family is to have at least 500 Spiritually Significant Conversations in 2023. 

Why? Because a spiritually significant conversation in which people talk about Jesus and faith can open the door to either begin a relationship with Christ or grow in relationship with Christ.


servant evanglism

Servant Evangelism involves serving others through acts of compassion in Christ’s name in order to share the gospel. Because servant evangelism projects involve doing good deeds people feel the goodwill behind the acts of kindness. 



share the gospel

We are called to be witnesses and ambassadors of Jesus so that others can have new life in Christ. But, how do we do that? How do we share the gospel? We have an easy resource for you that we call the 3 Circles Presentation.